The Indianapolis Radio Club Founded In 1914 The oldest continuously meeting Amateur Radio Club in the United States The club was founded in 1914 and has met continuously since. The club is now a general Interest group that meets on the second Friday of each month, except July and August. The meetings start at 7:30PM followed by a program of interest to all. Programs cover a wide variety of interests; operation, technical subjects, talks by prominent Amateurs in our community as well as from other groups. Each December; the club hosts a dinner at which we present an award to the hard working amateur for Outstanding service to the Indianapolis Amateur community. We are currently meeting at the Indianapolis Training Center at 2820 N. Meridian. There's an amateur radio station in the center, which our club helps supply and maintain. Please attend our meetings and bring a guest. 2004 IRC Officers President: Chuck Crist - W9IH - 787-6674 Vice President: Don Hemenover - N9DOO - 870-1235 Secretary: Maria Chambers - KB9RLG - 357-6308 Treasurer: Tom Chance - K9XV - 787-1093 Chief Operator: Mike Carmer - KB9RBF - 357-6308 Director: Bill Goodall - K9DBY - 255-4749 Director: Don Fulk - KB9EQC - 846-8845 News Editor: Bob Marschel - KB9TEA - 727-6636 Asst. News Editor: Bob Osterhous - W9PSE The AMACHEWER NEWSLETTER for JUNE 2004 May Program meeting was held on Thursday evening the 13th of MAY ; for those who may be attending the Dayton Hamvention over the long weekend. Meeting was held at the Indianapolis Training Center, 2820 N. Meridian St. Indianapolis IN. Our clubs 2004 theme: "Ham Radio is FUN & teamwork!".continues. The Club is growing with leaps and bounds...35 attended this meeting; our treasurer reports the membership at 80+. -- Introduction, comments and notes: by President Chuck - W9IH -Welcome New young hams & youth attendees. -Welcome new club members & 1st time attendees to our meeting all were ask to return and bring friends or guests. * "HOW to JOIN IRC" (see treas. at the meetings) or goto our Club Website: for more Information, dues are $12.00/yr -Announcements: You can also find more info on these announcements on the website. A.-Coffee provided by ITC...special thanks B.-Congratulations to the 5 new No-Code Tech Hams that attended the 1st ever IRC/ITC Express Ham class for 3 days during April....Success !!!! C.- 90th year Hat fundraiser.. $20 with name & call (see sign up sheet allow 3 weeks) or goto IRC 2004 Hat Info on the IRC website ; main page D.-We were briefed on Next months Used equipment AUCTION By Wes - N9AJM, basically any ham gear and reserves will be accepted. E. -Charlie-N9MEW noted that during JUNE we could hear some International users on the Indy Ham Repeaters due to the F1 race at IMS; unfortunately this has been ok'd by the FCC. F. -Field Day ops for June 26-27; IRC members have been invited to participate with the RCA ham club; (see the Field Day Links on main page.) -Health & welfare? -John Lee- W9GRE has been in the hospital since wed, May 12th for observation and tests following complications. He should be home by Sat. the 15th? -Program: -VP... comments and Program introduction: Don - N9DOO introduced this months program speaker; R.J. Barmore-KB9GHX. The presentation was on "Digital TV Broadcasting & Very High Power Transmitters. R.J. Barmore-KB9GHX ; Engineer from TV Channel 13 brought us up to date on the current Broadcasting schemes for TV in the Indy area. If you like Tech talk, HDTV & High Power (55KW) Transmitters, this was an excellent presentation ; ask some of the club members that attended; if they could keep up?! Special Thanks to R.J -KB9GHX "Congratulations" to The IRC May AWARD winners: ..Longest DX contact: Ron Williams-W9YZ 1st time this year! Qatar - 20 meters .. Longest QRP-contact : Steve Wendt-KB9RDS.. Corpus Christie TX - 20 meters W5LEX .. "FREE" Door Prize drawing: Bob- W9PSE & Don -N9DOO, assisted by R.J.-KB9GHX ; conducted the drawing, there were approx. 10 Winners for May! Door Prizes were donated by: MAI Prime Parts & Curran Electronics... ... Our Next Indianapolis Radio Club Meeting is: JUNE 11th (Fri) ; at 7PM; Location: ITC facility; Main floor, west end hall? PROGRAM is: "Used Equip Auction. "..! Presented By;(Wes Murphy ) N9AJM . Bring some of the junk you don't need around the Ham shack... .. -Short Break -IRC May 2004 Club Business Meeting Minutes : Meeting called to order by President , Chuck - W9IH @ 9:02 pm... Board members present, W9IH, N9DOO, K9XV -Sect. Report (None given - ) -Treasurer Report: ( none given ) -Other business. 1) Elect vacant director position to the IRC Board... our constitution provides for (7) board members, 2 are Directors at large, one of those is the past president. For the past 5 months we haven't had the 7th board member. After some research and talking to possible candidates.Therefore: [motion] To appoint Don Fulk- KB9EQC as the vacant IRC exec. Board Director for the remainder of the 2004-year.was presented by Pres. W9IH & 2nd - N9DOO Carried Unanimous by all present .. Congrats to Don KB9EQC... 2- The following new members applications were approved for 2004: N9OT, KC9DTV, WA9NCF, N9KT, K4IUL, N9MEW,WB9DNZ, WA9FDO, K9RTT, KC9BPO, KG4IKG, N9RKS, WH7I, K9POE, K9GZR, W9BZ & N9IZN. 3- No other business presented... - all present agreed that the business meetings aren't very necessary... Additionally that the Exec. Board is doing a good job handling the club business.. -Adjourn (@ 9:25pm) 73; see you at the IRC AUCTION in JUNE.....